That's the reason I am doing what I am doing. I want to support these crazy, lovable and fantastic people who put a smile on my face when I can cook and eat their amazing produce. These people put a smile on my guest's faces when they eat what I cooked - I couldn't cook so well without wonderful products made by our food producers. Don't get me wrong - I do try to make a living but I am not in it to become rich. I really love what I am doing and that seems to come across to people I am dealing with which is simply outstanding.
I love talking, writing and thinking about food and its producers. That's why I am now broadcasting on Cork City Community Radio 100.5FM a show called The Food Hour every Friday from 11am to noon. The hour flies as I simply get so excited talking about food that I don't see time ticking away. I also write a weekly column for the Cork Independent and of course I have a newsletter, Facebook & Twitter and this blog. All this for free - I am not getting paid to do all these things. I simply do them because I am happy when doing it. And I am in the very lucky position of being able to do that for free at the moment. And yes, I do use these tools to help and support the people I admire so much. I get inspired by these and I have even created a list of heroes for 2013..... I just mentioned a few because it would have been a mile long list. My event guide is listing everything that is going on in the world of food and this listing is also free (if you hear of any food events going on, please email me on biasasta@hotmail.com). So, Bia Sásta is not only for producers but for people like me who like to learn, eat and laugh and the name Bia Sásta reflects that well - meaning Happy Food.
So, again, Thank You to Richard for making me feel all warm and buzzy - You and Mairead rock
It's amazing how positive feedback from Twitter, can help you describe your business so perfectly.